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It's the moment, it's the time

To be better version of yourself, for not just yourself.

Dr. Vincent Keny, PhD.

Founder & Chief Mentor


  • 20+ years as People Development Professional, Public Speaker & Author
  • Held global & regional offices at Boston Scientific Inc, UT Worldwide Inc, MakeMyTrip.com & Hero Group
  • Alumni - Swiss School of Business & Management, Oneida University, MIIT Sloan School of Management, Delhi University, Allahabad University, XLRI Jamshedpur, St. Columba's School
  • Licensed Facilitator & Coach - Emotional Intelligence, LIFO Method Orientations, Situational Leadership II, Seven habits of highly successful people, Neural Linguistic processing
  • PCC – ICF
  • Awarded “Top 100 Training & Development Minds” by World HRD Congress

About WakeUp Life

I express my earnest gratitude to you for being a part of this endeavor.

“If someone asked me what to expect from WakeUp.Life, I will say, anything and everything, encompasses transformation."

It affects every aspect of your well-being and can bring positive change in your body, affect your mental outlook, increase your decision-making ability, and eliminate worry and anxiety. Wakening techniques are numerous – they can take you in a hundred different directions – but at heart, they aim to answer one not-so-obvious question: Can existence take care of itself? If the answer is no, then all the struggle and frustration that enters everyday life is justified.

You believe that nothing and no one will take care of you except yourself. That is why you are under so much stress. However, if the answer is yes, a new life awaits everyone.

-Vincent Keny

Nikhil Sharma

CEO & Co-Founder

Life presented me with this amazing opportunity to be a part of WakeUp Life. It's not just a project, it's a step to bring about the long awaited change that we need in our lives. It is a whole new dimension in a way. Our lives are a reflection of what and where we spend our time on, just by making significant changes in allocating our time on what truly matters, the quality of life will improve drastically.

Great to partner with a great partner, changing one life at a time, many times over.

Life presented with this amazing opportunity to be a part of WakeUp Life. It's not just a startup, it's a step to bring about the long awaited change that we need in our lives. It is a whole new dimension in a way.

Our lives are a reflection of what and where we spend our time on, just by making significant changes in allocating our time on what truly matters, the quality of life will improve drastically.

“Life doesn’t happen to you, You are the LIFE" 

- Just because you have taken a conscious decision to walk, a path gets created.

WakeUp Score is the quantified capitulation of your spiritual intelligence.

If we can live knowing that existence can actually take care of itself at the level of the individual person, a radically new element will be added to contemporary life. We can live in a world in which there are no inner enemies like fear and anger roaming the mind beyond our control. Painful memories and unacceptable feelings will no longer be shoved down into the secret hiding places in the unconscious. We will be stirred from a state of virtual sleep that befalls us as mental dullness and inertia. (If you don’t think we live in a state of virtual sleep, just look around at the expressionless faces of people glued to their Smartphone or waiting at the airport.) The awakened life is energetic and fully conscious, erasing the woes that so often arise through our unconscious ways.”


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